Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Chinese Tomato and Egg Stir Fry Recipe

Happy 2 weeks of social distancing during this time period end of March 2020.

It's been a while since I made a recipe. After personal stresses dealing with grad school, finishing clinical rotations, and finding a new job, and then figuring out work/life balance has occupied most of my time, but I want to go back to making videos and blogging again.

So here's my attempt to vlog Ep 1- cooking sesh.
Here's the link to the video I made! 

This chinese tomato and egg stir fry recipe is something I ate as a kid growing up. My mom would make this for dinner and it seemed so simple. I looked in the fridge and I had all the ingredients so I decided to give it a go.

Ingredients: (makes 2-3 servings)

- 3 eggs
- 3 roma tomatoes
- salt
- pepper
- soy sauce
- 1 small scallion (or another other onion, green or white or yellow). I wanted to use up my scallions.


1.) Crack eggs in a bowl and whisk together until creamy and smooth - as one consistency. Sprinkle salt and pepper and mix- to taste.
2.) slice tomatoes into smaller pieces.
3.) Dice onion.
4.) Prepare stir fry pan by heating pan on medium high. Sprinkle your choice of cooking oil in the pan and heat it up.
5.) Once oil is heated, add in the scallion and let it caramelize a little.
6.) Then add in the eggs and scramble them in the pan.
7.) When the eggs are a little more solidified, put the rest of the tomatoes in the pan and stir fry until soft and cooked.
8.) Add salt, pepper, soy sauce to taste.
9.) Put in a plate and serve!
10.) I served with rice and a side of raw baby kale. :)

Bon Appetit!

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