Friday, December 30, 2016

from 2016 to 2017

I had some time so I decided to jot down from my memory what happened in 2016. I made a video with snippets of events that happened in 2016. I know I missed some stuff but there were too many pictures to sort through. I failed to edit the photos because that would just make me procrastinate on finishing this project more.

Video clip link

 A lot of things has happened this year. I started off the new year in San Francisco (what better way than being in my favorite area of cali). After the new years vacation, I went back to school in full force. Completed my 2nd year of optometry school, including finishing up my big practical. I finally finished completing retakes and remediations that year. I also attended the OEP conference in March in Chicago. I made my first birthday dinner event that year and I cut my hair above the shoulders for the first time in a long time.

At the end of 2nd year, I attended the school's practice symposium and also went to a social networking event for dinner with docs.

That summer, I also transitioned from 2nd to 3rd year and was flung into clinic independently for the first time.  During the summer, 3rd years also have to take classes and one of the most difficult classes for the summer was "retinal diseases". After 10 weeks of suffering, finally passed that course! I also went on random food adventures, checked out food trucks in chicago during the summer, because we gotta have some fun after working hard right?

Each year as 2nd and 3rd years we have to attend at least one vision screening in the community. For 3rd year, I went to a screening in Chinatown during the summer to get it done with sooner. It was an interesting experience because there was probably about 10 or so students plus 1 attending doctor signing off on each patient. Most of the patients were Chinese (primarily Cantonese speaking) and there was 4 of us who could speak Chinese only (and only 1 could speak Cantonese) so the Chinese speaking students ended up doing case histories and directing patient flow while the other students did the other non-verbal tests.

The American Optometry Association (AOA) was in Boston during the July 4th weekend some friends and I went to Boston then as well. It was my first time in Boston and I had a lovely time there during the summer.
-went to Summer House Santa Monica in Chicago
 -went to New York City as a last minute trip decision.
-attended the American Academy of Optometry meeting in Anaheim and met up with friends in the area during that week.
-bought KMK prep books to study for boards, which I need to start seriously doing soon.

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