Monday, August 24, 2015

Sichuan Dry Noodles

Sichuan Dry Noodles (四川乾麵)

So I just moved out of dormitory this year and into a house, which means I got to start to cook more! Or more like cooking things that are easy to make and still taste good! So I've been making random weekend trips to the local grocery store, Jewel-Osco, and various Chinatown super markets to find ingredients to make.

-Sichuan Spicy Noodle Sauce
-1 pack of noodle (per serving)
-Your choice of meat (I chose ham)
-Prewashed spinach
-sliced cucumber
I found this goodie in Chinatown!
1. Boil water in the pot.
2. Once the water starts to boil, add the noodles in there.
3. While you wait for the noodles to cook, you can cut the meat into smaller pieces. I already pre-cut my cucumber into small slices but it is up to you which vegetables to put in.
4.  Once the noodles are soft and ready, use the strainer the poor out the water.
5. I like to rinse the noodles under tap water to cool it down first.
6. Put some more water into the now empty pot and cook the spinach. Once the spinach seems well-cooked, add in the ham and noodles.

Strainer to drain out excess liquid
the ham that I used- my protein substitute
7. Since I'm making soupless noodles, I use the drainer once again to drain out the water.
8. Pour noodle into bowl and add the Sichuan Sauce.
9. Mix it.
10. Add cucumber slices to the top if you'd like.
11. Serve and enjoy!

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